Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Paul is American! And Other News..

Paul has sworn in and is now proud to be an American! He went in for his "test" on Thursday and they swore him in that same day. He has been wearing red, white and blue ever since ;)

The boys have been battling their 5th cold in the last few months. Although the colds are subsiding a bit now, the time change hasn't helped much with their sleep situation (esp Nathan who is now up at 4AM regardless of the time you put him down. Early mornings!!)

I ran a 5K on Halloween. Tons of fun. Came in 6th overall female and 1st in my age group. 184 participants. My next race is an 8K in Philadelphia next week followed by a Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving with Paul. Woo hoo!



  1. Congrats to both of you! By the way, we are up to speed on how many stripes are on your flag thanks to Megan's fixation with Barney..."13 stripes are on our flag, on our flag, on our flag"..."7 are red and 6 are white, 6 are white, 6 are white"..."my fair country"! A few more episodes and we'll be ready to become Americans! Way to go Paul :)

    You are a racing machine Amanda! Great work...keep it up!

  2. Oh, good luck with the time change and colds...we are in the same boat :(

  3. Barney is SUPER popular for Matthew too!

    Sing it Megan!

  4. Sorry guys we are past both the Barney stage and the early morning time change issues. If they want to get up early they are on their own!

    We can sympathize but we are glad it is behind us along with diapers, toilet training and the list goes on.

    We have seen more than our share of George Shrinks lately and we're both standing in the cold on the sidelines of two different fields at the same time for soccer these days. Brrrrr!
